
Isn’t all of life learning? Learning is a lifestyle for me. I learn about myself. I learn about others. I reflect on how things go. Learning how to do something or learning that something did or didn’t work. I suppose enjoying having learned something is not learning. But …

Learning as a lens for living. Is that the headline?

Failed It! by Erik Kessels is a great learning guide.


Get everyone in the school, Juggling. Juggling can access to our bodies and our bodies are connected to our minds. Enter discipline study, requires balancing or juggling a number of different elements, to use the term from your avenues world curriculum. The community bonding that comes with the entire school juggling, the spectacle created, the community created in trying, and failing, Creates a beautiful moment that normalize, vulnerability and risk taking. There’s also a lightness and enjoyable nature to it, some thing that provides a mental and emotional break from high achieving from the push and discipline and rigor of high expectations and achievement.