
Dancify That!

An interpretive dance competition that posits dancer’s ideas, self-expression, vulnerability and boldness over technique. Teams of two compete in creating choreography inspired by personal stories, memes, recipes and more. DNA of SYTYCD, Who’s Line is it Anyway, and GLOW.

This format has been produced as a live show since 2016 in NYC. All footage from the video are from those shows.


Meat Curious

Fresh Meat

10 lifelong carnivores embark on a life changing adventure that forever changes how they consume meat. The adventure begins with a tour of the industrial meat industry. Through firsthand accounts and site visits, they discover the reality of factory farming and consider their relationship to the process. They then embark on a journey to learn how to hunt, kill, butcher, and prepare their own meat. Along the way they are guided by a variety of hunters (indigenous to modern). They are exposed to traditional and sustainable approaches to raising animals. They then learn how to butcher and prepare, with well known chefs, profoundly changing their relationship to the meat they consume.

10 Lifelong vegetarians embark on a personal and culinary adventure where they learn to hunt, kill, and prepare and finally consume meat. A potent mix of curiosity, apprehension, and moral contemplation drive our contestants as they venture into the world of hunting, confronting the reality of taking a life to sustain their own. Their approach is imbued with a sense of respect and gratitude for the animal, understanding the profound sacrifice it represents. Each step in the process, from stalking and capturing their prey to skillfully butchering and preparing the meat, becomes a transformative act of mindfulness, causing them to question their beliefs and reassess the nature of their dietary choices. Ultimately, this newfound understanding serves to deepen their connection to the food they consume, allowing them to be more conscious and conscientious eaters.

groups of 4 come up with games to play with each other. They must fulfill certain criteria and finish in a set amount of time. At the end a group of strangers play the game (maybe kids) and judges— actual game makers decide who wins.

Say a Little Prayer for Me / By Prayer Alone

Wheel Chair Football

Roller Derby

Roller Derby a la “Holy Moly”. A playful, epic, theatrical, and silly take on this hard hitting hip-checking sport. Inspired by the balance of skill and silliness of “Holy Moly” and the theatricality of the WWE and GLOW.

Offers a look at women who are not afraid to getting physical, rough, offering a complex view on gender expression. What is it to be feminine? What is masculinity? What behaviors do we associate with these identities and should we?

People of many different religions who have lost their faith tell stories of their falling away from religions and confront those who continue to try and persuade them to believe. We explore the impact of losing their faith— on an emotional, psychological, social and physical level and see how they have come to be whole again.

Do Good

Go Carts Go

When to Take it Away

Elementary school teacher submit art from their students to a group of critics who then try and sell the work as the work of a great up and coming artist or a dead artist. It’s “Fool Me” for the Contemporary Art World.

Kids from around the world embark on maker challenges with a budget. They have to make something like a nothing board, or build with… ‘m not sure what. But this could highlight cultural differences, and the ways people problem solve in different places. It’d be cool to see how rich kids do things vs poorer kids. Kids in Africa vs. kids in Switzerland. All these places have different things and how could we highlight these things in a way that hleps make the world a better place?

(Independent STEAM project inspired)

Exploring Public good and alternate currencies. Currencies of connection.

Taking something broken down in public and making it good. Redoing a city lot (community gardens?) Art Space? Real Estate funded?

But what about affordable housing?

Live in my building. DOH executives have to spend a week in public housing.

Learn Anything

B to B
doing a show for Dunkin’ Donuts

You Are My Solo Show

A format in which a person in therapy for something specific works with a writer to create a script for a solo show based on their life. We see the writer and the person going through the process of writing the script and working through the impacted emotions and stories of their life. The script is then given to an actor who acts our the solo show for a studio audience. The individuals in the audience then have to guess which story goes with with person. It’s about how we don’t know what each other have gone through and how seeing your life reflected back to you can give you perspective you didn’t know you needed. I imagine it would light a fire under the person’s ass as well.

Actually— it’d be great to see the person work with the actor and give them coaching. Then it’s performed with their seal of approval.

with core team of dancers that bring diversity, comedy, and great interactive engagement (comedians who do crowd work)

A learning competition. People have to learn everything from Tango to how to play the guitar to how to speak another language. They are all taught a masterclass, then have 1 week to practice. We follow how these master learners take in new information and practices and see how they are able to “Learn Anything”.

Daily 5 minute branded infotainment, broadcaster TV PRVA SRECNE VESTI – broadcasted daily at Mon-Fri on PRVA TV
Happy news is a branded daily 3-5 minute TV entertainment format consisting of a branded opening title, entertaining studio announcements and a video story showing stories. Srećne vesti is a project initiative of State Lottery of Serbia, meaning happy and lucky news.

Whether it’s a story of a Lottery winner, a story of corporate responsibility or celebrity special, the goal was to tell it in a compelling way. And last but not the least, all Lottery products are integrated in the concept in a natural and organic way. This show exceeded expectations of the broadcaster and performs above average in its time slot, with average rating 5 and share 20%.